Kimya Mühendisliği

Ultimate Engineering Ebook Collection 2

10 CD | RS | All U Need

Collection 6

30-CE 522 prestressed concrete_263 pages_np.pdf
30-Cities in a Globalizing World – Governance, Performance, And Sustainability (WBI Learning Reso.pdf
30-Curtain Walls – Recent Developments by Cesar Pelli & Associates-Michael J. Crosbie-3764370831-.pdf
30-Eurocode 7, Geotechnical design,Part 2 Design assisted by laboratory testing-CEC-The Commissio.pdf
30-Gems, 6th Edition-Michael O’Donoghue-0750658568-Elsevier-2006-936 Pages-$404.pdf
30-Geodetic and Control Surveying.pdf
31-Durability of Concrete Structures – Investigation, repair, protection-G. C. Mays-0419156208-Ta.pdf
31-Eurocode 7, Geotechnical design,Part 3 Design assisted by fieldtesting-CEC-The Commission of t.pdf
31-Iyengar – Structural Stability of Columns & Plates-N.G.R. Iyengar-0745805396-Ellis Horwood-198.djv
32-Geospatial Data and Systems .pdf
32-Introduction to Survey Quality-Paul P. Biemer Lars E. Lyberg-0471193755-Wiley-2003-424 Pages-$.pdf
32-Multi Family Housing – The Art of Sharing-Michael Crosbie-187690769X-Images Publishing Dist-20.pdf
33-BRITISH STANDARD, Eurocode-Basis of structural design,BS EN,1990-2002-050922215130-90 pages-$3.pdf
33-Fire Safe design – A New Approach to Multi-Storey Steel-Framed Buildings-G M Newman BSc, MIStr.pdf
33-Freshwater Microbiology (Biodiversity and Dynamic Interactions of Microorganisms in the Aquati.pdf
33-Geological And Geotechnical Engineering in the New Millennium-National Research Council-030910.pdf
33-Groundwater Hydrology.pdf
33-Guide to Collision_Avoidance_Rules_6E.pdf
33-Innovations in Ground Water and Soil Cleanup-NATIONAL ACADEMY_0309063582-NATIONAL ACADEMY PRES.pdf
33-Liquid Assets – Demographics Water Management & Freshwater Resources-Jill Boberg-0833032968-RA.pdf
33-Modern Architectural Theory (A Historical Survey, 1673-1968)-Harry Mallgrave-0521793068-Cambri.pdf
33-New Theory of the Earth-Don L. Anderson-0521849594-Cambridge University-2007-408p-$69.pdf
33-Perspectives in Modern Seismology (Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences)-Friedemann Wenzel-35402371.pdf
34-Bifurcations, Instabilities, Degradation in Geomechanics-George E. Exadaktylos Ioannis G. Vard.pdf
34-Breaking Ground, Adventures in Life and Architecture-Daniel Libeskind-0719566738-John Murray-2.pdf
34-Geotechnical and foundation Engineering,Module 1,Subsurface investigation-US Federal Highway A.pdf
34-Guidance For Low-Level Radioactive Waste (LLRW) and Mixed Waste (MW) Treatment and Handling.pdf
34-International Building Code 2006-International Code Council-1580012507-Thomson Delmar Learning.pdf
34-Landscape Simulation Modeling – A Spatially Explicit, Dynamic Approach-Robert Costanza Alexey .pdf
34-Mine Wastes – Characterization, Treatment and Environmental Impacts-Bernd G. Lottermoser-35404.pdf
35-Building – A Field Guide to the Building Codes (Code Check Series)-Michael Casey Douglas E. Ha.pdf
35-Building Maintenance Guidebook 2002-Hong Kong Buildings Department-Government of the Hong Kong.pdf
35-Classic American Furniture (Art of Woodworking)-Time Life Books-0809495422-Time Life Books-199.djv
35-Geotechnical Engineering Circular No.3 Design Guidance,Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering for.pdf
35-Indoor Air Quality, Second Edition-Ed Bas-0824740092-Marcel Dekker-2004-300 Pages-$133.pdf
35-Interior Design Handbook of Professional Practice-Cindy Coleman Interior Design Magazine-00713.pdf
35-Review of the Desalination and Water Purification Technology Roadmap 2004-0309092809-Natl Acad.pdf
35-Rock Mechanics (For Underground Mining) 3rd Edition-B.H.G. Brady E.T. Brown-1402020643-Springe.pdf
36-Building Design and Construction Handbook, 6th Edition-Frederick S. Merritt Jonathan T. Ricket.pdf
36-Bungalow Style – Creating Classic Interiors in Your Arts and Crafts Home-Treena Crochet-156158.djv
36-Facing Hazards and Disasters – Understanding Human Dimensions-0309101786-National Academy Pres.pdf
36-GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CIRCULAR NO. 7 Soil Nail Walls-Federal Highway Administration-U.S. De.pdf
36-GIS Methodologies for Developing Conservation Strategies-Basil G. Savitsky Thomas E. Lacher Jr.pdf
36-Hydraulic Design of Lock Culvert Valves.pdf
36-Math for Civil Service Workers-LearningExpress-1576854280-LearningExpress-2003-224 Pages-$19.pdf
36-Mosques in the United States of America and Canada-Dr. Omar Khalidi and David Donnellon–Massa.pdf
36-Sky High Living – Contemporary High-rise Apartment (Tall Buildings)-Georges Binder-1864700947-.pdf
36-The Little Book of Earthquakes and Volcanoes-Rolf Schick-038795287X-Springer-2002-192 Pages-$2.pdf
37-Canal Systems Automation Manual, Volume 1, 1991-128 page-$66.pdf

Collection 7

37-From Disaster Response to Risk Management – Australia’s National Drought Policy-Linda Courtena.pdf
37-Fuzzy Modeling with Spatial Information for Geographic Problems-Frederick E. Petry Vincent B. .pdf
37-Geographic Information Metadata for Spatial Data Infrastructures – Resources, Interoperability.pdf
37-Geotechnical Manual-Texas Dep of Transportation-2000-231 pages-$100.pdf
37-Groundwater Geochemistry (A Practical Guide to Modeling of Natural and Contaminated Aquatic Sy.pdf
37-Hydraulic Design of Navigation Dams.pdf
37-IAEA, Isotopes in the Water Cycle – Past, Present and Future of a Developing Science-Pradeep K.pdf
37-NFPA 70,National Electrical Code, NEC 2002 Edition (An International Electrical Code Series)-N.pdf
37-Repair, Protection and Waterproofing of Concrete Structures-P. Perkins-0419202803-Taylor Franc.pdf
37-Residential Structural Design Guide,2000 Edition-U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Developm.pdf
38-Canal Systems Automation Manual, Volume 2, 1995-240 page-$66.pdf
38-Digital Photogrammetry – A Practical Course (2nd Ed.)-Wilfried Linder-3540291520-Springer-2006.pdf
38-Geotechnical Modelling (Applied Geotechnics)-David Muir Wood-0415343046-Taylor Francis-2004-48.pdf
38-Health Effects of Transport Related Air Pollution-Micha Krzyzanowski Birgit Kuna-dibbert Jurge.pdf
38-Hydraulic Design of Reservoir Outlet Works.pdf
38-Japanese Gardens-Guenther Nitschke Gunter Nitschke-3822820350-Taschen America, LLC-2003-240p-.pdf
38-Latent Variable Models – An Introduction to Factor, Path, and Structural Equation Analysis, 4t.pdf
38-Microtectonics 2nd Edition-Cees W. Passchier Rudolph A.J. Trouw-3540640037-Springer-2005-366 P.pdf
38-Pavement Management for Airports, Roads, and Parking Lots, 2nd Edition-Mohamed Y. Shahin-03872.pdf
38-Principles and Methods in Landscape Ecology (scan)-Almo Farina-0412730405-Springer-1998-256 Pa.pdf
38-TRANSMATERIAL – A catalog of materials, products and processes redefining our physical environ.pdf
39-Clean Coal Technologies in Japan Technological Innovation in the Coal Industry-NEDO-New Energy.pdf
39-CODE OF PRACTICE FOR DEMOLITION OF BUILDINGS 2004-Hong Kong Buildings Department-Government of.pdf
39-Elastodynamics with Hysteretic Damping-C. J. Cornejo J. Cordova-9040723036-I O S Press-2002-16.pdf
39-Geotechnical pratice engineering in Canada and Europe-US Federal Highway Admin-1999-92 pages-$.pdf
39-Handbook of Surface and Interface Analysis-John C. Riviere Sverre Myhra-0824700805-CRC-1998-10.djv
39-Hydraulic Design of Small Boat Harbors.pdf
39-Minimum Design Loads for Buildings And Other Structures, SEI-ASCE 7-05 (ASCE Standard No. 7-05.pdf
39-Soil Formation – 2nd Edition-Nico van Breemen Peter Buurman-1402007183-Springer-2002-416 Pages.pdf
40-Code of Practice for Precast Concrete Construction 2003-Hong Kong Buildings Department-Governm.pdf
40-Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering-Ikuo Towhata-3540357823-Springer-2007-300 Pages-$202.pdf
40-Hydraulic Design of Spillways.pdf
40-Innovation in Construction – A European Analysis-Marcela Miozzo Paul Dewick-1843765217-Edward .pdf
40-New Working Spaces (Architectural Design)-Links International-8489861188-Gingko Press-2003-240.pdf
40-The Architecture of Rasem Badran – Narratives on People and Place-James Steele Rasem Badran-05.pdf
40-The Finite Element Method for Solid and Structural Mechanics, Sixth Edition-O. C. Zienkiewicz .pdf
41-Code of Practice for the Structural use of Steel 2005-Professor S.L. Chan, Ir K.K. Kwan-Buildi.pdf
41-Earthquake Protection,2nd Edition-Andrew Coburn Robin Spence-0471496146-John Wiley-2002-436 Pa.pdf
41-Hydroelectirc Power Plants Mechanical Design.pdf
41-Introduction to Planetary Science – The Geological Perspective-Gunter Faure Teresa M. Mensing.pdf
41-Model-based Geostatistics (Springer Series in Statistics)-Peter J. Diggle Paulo Justiniano Rib.pdf
42-Civil Engineer’s Reference Book, Fourth Edition-L S Blake-0750619643-Laxtons-2001-1246 Pages-$.pdf
42-Commentary on Bs 5400-3 2000 Code of Practice for the Design of Steel Bridges-SCI-1859421121-S.pdf
42-From Flood Control to Integrated Water Resource Management – Lessons for the Gulf Coast from F.pdf
42-Hydroelectric Power Plants Electrical Design .pdf
42-Hydroponics for the Home Gardener (An easy-to-follow, step-by-step guide for growing healthy v.pdf
42-Learning from Clusters – A Critical Assessment from an Economic Geographical Perspective (Geoj.pdf
42-Mapping Vulnerability – Disasters, Development and People-George Frerks Dorothea Hilhorst Geor.pdf
42-Municipal Storm Water Management, Second Edition_Thomas N. Debo_1566705843_CRC – 2002- 976 Pag.pdf

Collection 8

42-NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code 2003 Edition-National Fire Protection Associat.pdf
42-Plans and Practices for Groundwater Protection at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, Interim .pdf
43-Guide to the Use of the Wind Load Provisions of ASCE 7 02-Kishor C. Mehta James Delahay-078440.pdf
43-Hydrologic Analysis of Interior Areas.pdf
43-NFPA 70E 2000 Standard for Electrical Safety Requirements for Employee Workplaces-NFPA-NFPA-20.pdf
43-NFPA Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code Handbook, 6th Edition-NFPA Robert P. Benedetti-087.pdf
43-Structural Analysis with Finite Elements (2nd Edition)-Friedel Hartmann Casimir Katz-354049698.pdf
43-Structural Steelwork Connections-Graham W. Owens Brian D. Cheal-0408012145-Butterworth Heinema.pdf
43-Underwater Concreting and Repair-Andrew McLeish-0470234032-Butterworth Heinemann-1994-158 Page.pdf
44-Future Forms and Design for Sustainable Cities-Mike Jenks Nicola Dempsey-075066309X-Elsevier,A.pdf
44-Hydrologic Engineering Requirements for Flood Damage Reduction Studies.pdf
44-NFPA National Electrical Code 2005 Handbook (National Fire Protection Association,National Ele.pdf
44-Self-Organizing Maps, 3rd Edition-Teuvo Kohonen-3540679219-Springer-2001-521 Pages-$129.djv
45-Advances in Engineering Structures, Mechanics & Construction (Solid Mechanics and Its Applicat.pdf
45-Hydrologic Engineering Requirements for Reservoirs.pdf
45-IMAGE ESTIMATION BY EXAMPLE – Geophysical soundings image construction Multidimensional autore.pdf
45-Modern Traditions – Contemporary Architecture in India-Klaus Peter Gast-3764377542-Birkhauser .pdf
45-SUSTAINABLE BUILDING DESIGN-Tokyo University-0471486604 -Tokyo University Press-2005-100p-$40.pdf
45-Theory of elasticity of an anisotropic body-S. G Lekhnitskii-B0006E631K-Mir Publishers-1981-43.djv
45-Wastewater Reuse in Agriculture in Vietnam -Water Management,Environment and Human Health Aspe.pdf
46-Hurricane Warning, Critical Need For A National Hurricane Research Initiative-National Science.pdf
46-Hydrologic Frequency Analysis.pdf
46-Lightweight Enterprise Architectures-Fenix Theuerkorn-084932114X-AUERBACH-2005-345 Pages-$111.pdf
46-Mitigation of Natural Hazards and Disasters – International Perspectives-C. Emdad Haque-140203.pdf
46-Nonlinear Structural Engineering – With Unique Theories and Methods to Solve Effectively Compl.pdf
46-Testing of Concrete in Structures-J.H. Bungey J. H. Bungey S. G. Millard-0751402419-Routledge-.pdf
47-Dynamics of Offshore Structures,2 Edition-James F. Wilson-0471264679-Wiley-2003-344 Pages-$310.pdf
47-Instrumentation for Concrete Structures.pdf
47-Introduction to Prestressed Concrete-Arthur Horace Allen-0721010903-Scholium Intl-1978-66p-$17.pdf
47-Liquid Filtration 2nd Edition-Nicholas P Cheremisinoff-0750670479-Butterworth-Heinemann-1998-5.pdf
47-Masonry Instant Answers-Rochelle C. Jaffe-0071395156-McGraw Hill-2003-320 Pages-$80.pdf
47-Reinforced Concrete – Design theory and examples (2nd Edition)-B.S. Choo-0419138307-Taylor & F.pdf
48-Bridge Engineering – Seismic Design-W.F. Chen Lian Duan-0849316839-CRC-2003-455 Pages-$200.pdf
48-Modeling of Creep for Structural Analysis (Foundations of Engineering Mechanics)-Konstantin Na.pdf
48-Rock Fractures and Fluid Flow – Contemporary Understanding and Applications-NAP-0309563488-Nat.pdf
48-The Handbook of Highway Engineering-T.F. Fwa-0849319862-CRC-2006-888 Pages-$300.pdf
49-Physically Based Visualization Of Residential Building Damage Process In Hurricane-Dezhi Liao-.pdf
49-Regulatory Frameworks for Dam Safety A Comparative Study (Law, Justice, and Development)-Danie.pdf
49-Soil Ecology-P. Lavelle A. Spain-0792371232-Springer-2003-684 Pages-$565.pdf
49-Soil Mechanics (Wiley Series in Geotechnical Engineering)(scan)-T. William Lambe Robert V. Whi.pdf
49-Structural Elements Design Manual-TREVOR DRAYCOTT-0750603135-Elsevier,Laxtons-1990-244 Pages-$.pdf
49-Wastewater Microbiology (G. Bitton)(3rd ed.)(Wiley 2005)(ISBN 0471650714).pdf
50-Linux Smart Homes For Dummies-Neil Cherry-0764598236-For Dummies-2006-364 Pages-$24.pdf
50-Liquid Process Piping.pdf
50-Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country, Your Handbook for the San Francisco Bay Region-USGS-.pdf
50-Soil Liquid Phase Composition-V.V.Snakin A.A.Prisyazhnaya E. Kovacs Lang-0444506756-Elsevier-2.pdf

Collection 9

50-The Architect, the Cook and Good Taste-Petra Hagen Hodgson Rolf Toyka-376437621X-Springer-2007.pdf
51-International Residential Code 2006- Softcover Version (International Residential Code)-Intern.pdf
51-Lubricants and Hydraulic Fluids.pdf
51-Manual for the Design of Reinforced Concrete Building Structures-ICE-Intitution Of Structural .pdf
51-Map-based Mobile Services – Theories, Methods and Implementations-Liqiu Meng Alexander Zipf Tu.pdf
51-Numerical Modelling in Geomechanics-Manuel Pastor Claudio Tamagnini-1903996422-ISTE Publishing.djv
51-Strategic Highway Research – Saving Lives, Reducing Congestion, Improving Quality of Life-(U.S.pdf
51-Structural Vibration, Analysis and Damping-C. Beards-0340645806-Butterworth Heinemann-1996-276.pdf
51-UXL Encyclopedia of Water Science, Volume 1 Science-K. Lee Lerner Brenda Wilmoth Lerner-078767.pdf
52-Los Angeles Houses (scan)-Cristina Montes-3823855948-Te Neues Publishing Company-2002-380 Page.pdf
52-Manual of Ready-Mixed Concrete-R Anderson-0751400793-Routledge-1998-256 Pages-$216.pdf
52-Problem Solving in Soil Mechanics-Ali Aysen-9058095312-Taylor & Francis-2003-192 Pages-$333.pdf
52-UXL Encyclopedia of Water Science, Volume 2 Economics and Uses-K. Lee Lerner Brenda Wilmoth Le.pdf
53-Experimental Unsaturated Soil Mechanics-Tom Schanz-3540698728-Springer-2007-494p-$412.pdf
53-Greening the Industrial Facility – Perspectives, Approaches, and Tools-Thomas E. Graedel Jenni.pdf
53-Monitoring and Assessment of Structures-G.s.t. Armer-0419237704-Spon Press-2003-144 Pages-$173.pdf
53-Monitoring Well Design, Installation, and Documentation at Hazardous Toxic, and Radioactive Wa.pdf
53-Promoting Community Resilience in Disasters – The Role for Schools, Youth, and Families-Kevin .pdf
53-Security and Safety in Los Angeles High Rise Building After 9-11-Rae Archibald-0833031848-RAND.pdf
53-UXL Encyclopedia of Water Science, Volume 3 Issues-K. Lee Lerner Brenda Wilmoth Lerner-0787676.pdf
54-Microbiology of Waterborne Diseases – Microbiological Aspects and Risks-Steven Percival Martha.pdf
54-Private Mansions-Wim Pauwels-9077213236-Beta Plus-2005-228p-$130.djvu
54-Water Purification using Heat Pumps-F A Holl-0419247106-Taylor & Francis-2005-200 Pages-$300.pdf
55-Wastewater Pathogens (Wastewater Microbiology)-Michael H. Gerardi Mel C. Zimmerman-047120692X-.pdf
55-Working Drawings Handbook, 4th Edition-Keith Styles Andrew Bichard-0750663723-Architectural Pr.pdf
56-Industrial Water Treatment – Refining, Petrochemicals and Gas Processing Techniques(scan)-Cord.pdf
56-Pavement Criteria for Seasonal Frost Conditions – Mobilization Construction.pdf
56-Scattering, Natural Surfaces, and Fractals-Giorgio Franceschetti Daniele Riccio-0122656555-Aca.pdf
57-NFPA 25, Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection .pdf
57-Planning and Design of Hydroelectric Power Plant Structures.pdf
57-Rare Earth Elements in Groundwater Flow Systems (Water Science and Technology Library)-Karen H.pdf
58-Encyclopedia of Wood (The Art of Woodworking)-Time Life Books-0809499169-Time Life Books-1999-.djv
58-Structural Details in Concrete-M. Y. H. Bangash-063202853X-Blackwell Science-1992-260 Pages-$8.pdf
59-Innovations in Design & Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning-Jos P. Van.pdf
59-NFPA 72 – National Fire Alarm Code, 2002-9992095881-NFPA-2002-$112.pdf
59-The Architect’s Guide to Running a Practice-David Littlefield-0750660996-Architectural Press-2.pdf
60-Sensing Issues in Civil Structural Health Monitoring-Farhad Ansari-1402036604-Springer-2005-52.pdf
60-Soil Mechanics – Basic Concepts and Engineering Applications-Ali Aysen-9058093581-Taylor & Fra.djv
60-UHPC,Ultra High Performance Concrete. International Symposium on UHPC, Sep 15 2004-M.Schmidt,E.pdf
60-Uniform Building Code 1997 Vol2 – Structural Engineering Design Provisions-International Code .pdf
61-Plasticity and Geotechnics-Hai-Sui Yu J. B. Burland-0387335978-Springer-2006-524p-$417.pdf
61-Precast Concrete – Materials, Manufacture, Properties and Usage-M. Levitt-0853349940-Chapman &.pdf
61-Railroads – Mobilization Construction.pdf
61-River Mechanics-Pierre Y. Julien-0521529700-Cambridge University-2003-456p-$117.pdf
62-Nonlinear Mechanics of Reinforced Concrete (scan)-K. Maekawa-0415271266-Taylor & Francis-2003-.pdf
62-Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams-F.k. Kong-0216926955-Routledge-2003-304 Pages-$400.pdf
62-Riverbank Filtration – Improving Source-Water Quality-C. Ray G. Melinr R.B. Linsky-1402011334-.pdf
63-Open Channel Hydraulics (scan)-Terry W. Sturm-0070624453-McGraw Hill-2001-500p-$255.pdf
63-Pile Design and Construction Practice-Micha Tomlinson-0419184503-TF,TAYLOR-2004-432 Pages-$412.pdf
63-Removal of Underground Storage Tanks.pdf
64-NFPA 170 (Standard For Fire Safety Symbols)2002 Edition-NFPA-IHS Inc.-2004-45p-$100.pdf
64-Reservoir Water Quality Analysis.pdf

Collection 10

64-Open-Channel Hydraulics (scan)-Richard H. H. French-0070221340-McGraw-Hill-1985-700p-$219.pdf
64-Wood as an Engineering Material.pdf
65-Ortho’s All About Additions (Ortho’s All about Planning and Building)-Ortho-0897215095-Ortho-2.djv
65-Response Spectra and Seismic Analysis for Concrete Hydraulic Structures.pdf
65-Upscaling Multiphase Flow in Porous Media – From Pore to Core and Beyond-D.B. Das S.M. Hassani.pdf
66-Earthquake Early Warning Systems-Paolo Gasparini Gaetano Manfredi Jochen Zschau-3540722408-Spr.pdf
66-Engineering and Design – SLOPE STABILITY-US Army Corps of Engineers-US Army-2003-205p-$44.pdf
66-Physical Geodesy-Bernhard Hofmann Wellenhof Helmut Moritz-3211235841-Springer-2005-403 Pages-$.pdf
66-Rigid Pavements for Roads, Streets, Walks and Open Storage Areas – Mobilization Construction.pdf
66-Theory of Bridge Aerodynamics-Einar Strxmmen-354030603X-Springer-2006-251 page-$310.pdf
66-UXL – Encyclopedia of Landforms and Other Geologic Features.pdf
67-Earthquake Source Asymmetry, Structural Media and Rotation Effects-Roman Teisseyre Eugeniusz M.pdf
67-International Fire Code 2006 -International Code Council-1580012558-Thomson Delmar Learning-20.pdf
67-Landscaping – Planning, Planting, Building (Better Homes and Gardens(R) – Step-by-Step Series).pdf
67-River Hydraulics.pdf
67-Water Privatisation (Trans-National Corporations and the Re-Regulation of the Water Industry)-.pdf
68-Economic Geology of Natural Gas Hydrate-Michael D. Max Arthur H. Johnson William P. Dillon-140.pdf
68-Making Concrete Garden Ornaments-Sherri Warner Warner Hunter-1579903185-Lark-2002-144p-$105.pdf
68-Roller-Compacted Concrete .pdf
69-Reinforced Concrete, Analysis and Design (scan)-S. S. Ray-0632037245-Blackwell Science-1994-57.pdf
69-Runoff from Snowmelt .pdf
69-Stability of Structures – Elastic, Inelastic, Fracture, and Damage Theories-Zdenek P. Bazant L.djv
70-Pvc Pipe-Design and Installation (AWWA MANUAL OF WATER SUPPLY PRACTICES-M23,2nd Ed.)-AWWA-1583.pdf
70-Safety – Radiation Protection Manual.pdf
70-The Essential Guide to Framing (Home Building & Remodeling Basics)-Editors of JLC the Journal .pdf
71-Explanatory Materials to Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005-Hong Kong Build.pdf
71-Planetary geology – a teacher’s guide with activities in physical and earth sciences-NASA-B000.pdf
71-Small Wastewater Systems.pdf
71-Topological Methods in Hydrodynamics,2nd Edition (Applied Mathematical Sciences)-Vladimir I. A.pdf
72-Landscaping – Planning, Planting, Building (Step-by-Step Series)-Better Homes and Gardens-0696.pdf
72-Soil Engineering Testing, Design, and Remediation_Fu Hua Chen_0849322944_CRC – 1999_304 Pages_.pdf
72-The Complete Book Of Underground Houses (How To Build A Low Cost Home)-Rob Roy-0806907282-Ster.pdf
72-The Ozone Layer – A Philosophy of Science Perspective-Maureen Christie-0521650720-Cambridge Un.pdf
73-Design of Masonry Structures-A. W. Hendry-0419215603-Taylor & Francis-2004-272 Pages-$157.pdf
73-Reinforced Concrete Designer’s Handbook, 10th Ed.-C.E. Reynolds C.E. Reynolds J. Steedman-0419.pdf
73-Soil Stabilization for Pavements – Mobilization Construction.pdf
73-The Biogeochemistry of Submerged Soils-Guy Kirk-0470863013-Wiley-2004-304 Pages-$210.pdf
74-Tsunamis and Hurricanes – A Mathematical Approach-Ferdinand Cap-3211331581-Springer-2007-207 P.pdf
75-Physical Geology of High level Magmatic Systems (Geological Society Special Publication)-Breit.pdf
75-Principles of Sediment Transport in Rivers, Estuaries and Coastal Seas-Leo C van Rijn-90800356.pdf
75-Recommended Seismic Design Criteria for New Steel Moment-Frame Buildings(FEMA-350)-SEAOC-Calif.pdf
75-Standard Practice for Concrete Pavements – Mobilization Construction.pdf
75-The Earth Inside and Out – Some Major Contributions to Geology in the Twentieth Century (Geolo.djv
76-Storage Depots – Mobilization Construction.pdf
77-Structural Deformation Surveying.pdf
77-The Architecture of Modern Italy, Volume II-Terry Kirk-1568984367-Princeton Architectural Pres.pdf
77-The Effects of Advanced Materials on Airframe Operating and Support Costs-Raj Raman-0833032976.pdf
78-Stairs – Scale-Silvio San Pietro P. Gallo-8876851194-IPS-2002-240 Pages-$300.pdf
78-Structural Design and Evaluation of Outlet Works .pdf
78-The Architecture of Modern Italy, Volume I-Terry Kirk-1568984200-Princeton Architectural Press.pdf
79-Structural Design of Closure Structures for Local Flood Protection Projects .pdf
80-Drought and Water Crises – Science, Technology and Management Issues-Donald A. Wilhite-0824727.pdf
80-Structural Design of Concrete Lined Flood Control Channels.pdf
80-Using the Building Regulations – Administrative Procedures-Mike Billington-0750662573-Elsevier.pdf
81-The Science and Applications of Acoustics 2nd Edition-Daniel R. Raichel-0387260625-Springer-20.pdf
81-Using the Building Regulations, Part C – Site Preparation & resistance to contaminants & moist.pdf
82-Steel Designers’ Manual,6th Edition-Steel Construction Institute Staff-1405134127-Blackwell Pu.pdf
83-Reliability-based Structural Design-Seung Kyum Choi Ramana V. Grandhi Robert A. Canfield-18462.pdf
83-Spatial Analysis and GeoComputation-Manfred M. Fischer-3540357297-Springer-2006-336 Pages-$223.pdf



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Ultimate Engineering Ebook Collection 1

~ Ultimate Engineering Ebook Collection 3 ~
~| 13 CD | PDF | RS |~

This is CD 11 -> 13

E-Book List:
Collection 11

83-The American Practical Navigator (Bowditch)-Nathaniel Bowditch National Imagery and Mapping Ag.pdf
83-Vulnerability of Cities – Natural Disasters and Social Resilience-Mark Pelling-1853838306-Eart.pdf
85-Rock Joints – The Mechanical Genesis-Georg Mandl-3540245537-Springer-2005-222p-$205.pdf
85-Tall Building Structures – Analysis and Design (scan)-Bryan Stafford Smith Alex Coull-04715123.pdf
86-Handbook of Structural Steelwork, 3rd Edition-British Constructional Steelwork Ass.-1859421334.pdf
86-Strategic Airport Planning-Robert E. Caves G.D. Gosling-0080427642-Elsevier,Pergamon -1999-468.pdf
86-The Art of Gothic – Gotik-Elke Schroder-3833110384-Konemann im Tandem-2005-523p-$101.djvu
86-Thermodynamics of Natural Systems, 2nd Edition-G. M. Anderson-0521847729-Cambridge University .pdf
87-San Simeon Earthquake – Performance Of Public School Buildings-Division Of The State Architect.pdf
87-Theoretical and Numerical Unsaturated Soil Mechanics-Tom Schanz-3540698752-Springer-2007-235p-.pdf
87-Tidal Hydraulics .pdf
88-Seismic hazard – UK continental shelf 2002 OFFSHORE TECHNOLOGY REPORT-HSE-0717623351-HSE-2002-.pdf
88-Topographic Surveying.pdf
89-New Hotels-Alejandro Bahamon-0060544694-HarperCollins Publishers-2003-330p-$351.pdf
89-The Art of Precast Concrete – Colour, Texture, Expression-David Bennett-3764371501-Springer-20.pdf
89-Water Conservation, Reuse, and Recycling – Proceedings of an Iranian-American Workshop-Nationa.pdf
90-Wastewater Bacteria (Wastewater Microbiology)-Michael H. Gerardi-0471206911-Wiley-2006-272 Pag.pdf
91-Semi-Riemannian Geometry and General Relativity-S.Sternberg_2003_251s-$40.pdf
91-Water Pollution Control – A Guide to the Use of Water Quality Management Principles-Richard He.pdf
92-Tips & Traps for Remodeling Your Kitchen-R. Dodge Woodson-0071445862-McGrawHill-2005-224 Pages.pdf
92-Wind Loading of Structures-J.d. Holmes-041924610X-Taylor & Francis-2001-336 Pages-$302.pdf
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99-Encyclopedia of Hydrological Sciences (5 Volume set)-Malcolm G. Anderson-0471491039-Wiley-2006.pdf
99-Ultimate Restaurant Design-Paco Asencio-3823845950-teNeues Publishing Company-2004-528p-np.pdf

Collection 12

99-Measuring, Monitoring and Modeling Concrete Properties-Maria S. Konsta Gdoutos-1402051034-Spri.pdf

Collection 13

004-Handbook of Offshore Engineering, Volume 1-Subrata Chakrabarti-0080445683-Elsevier-2005-666p-$400
005-Handbook of Offshore Engineering, Volume 2-Subrata Chakrabarti-0080445691-Elsevier-2005-600p-$400
01-Aerial Mapping_Methods and Applications 2nd Ed_Edgar Falkner Dennis Morgan_216s_CRC Press_2001_156
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02-Principles of Structural Design-Wai Fah Chen E M Lui-0849372356-CRC Press-2006-$200
03-Aeration – Principles and Practice (Water Quality Management Library)-James Mueller William C. Boy
03-Cold Formed Steel Design, 3rd Edition-Wei Wen Yu-0471348090-Wiley-2000-848 Pages-$219
03-Concrete Bridge Engineering – Performance and Advances-R. J. Cope-1851661107-Routledge-2004-360 Pa
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03-Problems in Water Distribution – Solved,Explained and Applied-Y.Koby Cohen-1587160951-CRC-2002-264
04-Alkali-Silica Reaction in Concrete_R.N. Swamy_0-203-03663-8_352s_1991_300usd
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04-Design of Offshore Concrete Structures-O.T. Gudmestad-0419243208-Taylor & Francis-2000-232p-$408
04-Fire Retardant Materials-A.R. Horrocks D. Price-1855734192-Woodhead Publishing-2001-320 Pages-$402
04-Formulas for Stress, Strain, and Structural Matrices ,2nd Edition-Walter D. Pilkey-0471032212-Wile
04-Fundamentals of Biological Wastewater Treatment-Udo Wiesmann In Su Choi Eva-Maria Dombrowski-35273
04-Geotechnical Engineering Investigation Handbook, 2nd Edition-Roy E. Hunt-0849321824-CRC-2005-1088p
04-Handbook of Analytic Techniques in Concrete Science and Technology (Building Materials Series)-V.S
04-Handbook of Civil Engineering Calculations-Tyler G. Hicks-0070288143-McGraw Hill-2000-800 Pages-$2
04-Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Structures (Using Externally-Bonded FRP Composites in Structu
04-Structural Grouts-P. Domone-0751400971-Taylor Francis-2003-222 Pages-$341
05-Conceptual Modeling for Traditional and Spatio-Temporal Applications – The MADS Approach-Christine
05-Concrete Materials (Problems and solutions)-Dr Mauri Levitt-0419216901-Taylor Francis-2003-127 Pag
05-Earthquake Engineering Handbook-Wai-Fah Chen-0849300681-CRC-2002-1512 Pages-$419-np
05-Ecological Effects of Waste Water – Applied Limnology and Pollutant Effects, 2nd Edition-E.B. Welc
05-Eurocode 8, Design of structures for earthquake resistance
05-Industrial Fire Protection Handbook, 2nd Edition(1 chapter is missed)-R. Craig Schroll-1587160587-

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A Guide to MATLAB: For Beginners and Experienced User

348 pages | August 6, 200 | PDF | 8 Mb

Here is a short, focused introduction to MATLAB, a comprehensive software system for mathematics and technical computing that should be useful to both beginning and experienced users. It contains concise explanations of essential MATLAB commands, as well as easily understood instructions for using MATLAB’s programming features, graphical capabilities, and desktop interface. It also includes an introduction to SIMULINK, a companion to MATLAB for system simulation. Written for MATLAB 6, this book can also be used with earlier (and later) versions of MATLAB. Chapters contain worked-out examples of applications of MATLAB to interesting problems in mathematics, engineering, economics, and physics. In addition, it contains explicit instructions for using MATLAB’s Microsoft Word interface to produce polished, integrated, interactive documents for reports, presentations, or on-line publishing. This book explains everything you need to know to begin using MATLAB. Intermediate and advanced users will find useful information here, especially if they are making the switch to MATLAB 6 from an earlier version.

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256 pages | 1956 | PDF | 12,5 Mb

These lectures by Enrico Fermi make great reading for undergraduates in chemistry or physics, particularly those undergoing the rigors of physical chemistry and chemical thermodynamics. Fermi writes with clarity, always carefully laying the appropriate groundwork for each topic.

The mathematics assumes familiarity with calculus, including partial differentiation. Fermi provides clear explanations and motivation for the mathematics and the derivations are complete and easy to follow. For example, he carefully explained the form of a perfect differential of two variables and how it can be more readily integrated. I appreciated this help.

The first four chapters will be familiar to students of physics: Thermodynamic Systems, First Law of Thermodynamics, Second Law of Thermodynamics, and Entropy. The derivation of the Clapeyron equation and the Van der Waals equation may be new to some students.

Thereafter, the text begins to look more like physical chemistry with chapters titled Thermodynamic Potentials, Gaseous Reactions, Thermodynamics of Dilute Solutions, and the Entropy Constant. I found these last chapters to be more difficult, but not overly so.

At some points Thermodynamics becomes a real page-turner, but not in the sense of a fast-paced action story. The page-turning is necessary to retrieve earlier mathematical expressions. Occasionally, you will encounter statements like “the expression for the free energy is immediately obtained from equations (111), (29), and (86).” Fermi does not allow the reader to forget earlier derivations and discussions.

If your familiarity with thermodynamics is limited (or now foggy due to the passage of years), I suggest first reading Understanding Thermodynamics by H. C. Van Ness. This 100-page book, a series of lectures, is an excellent introduction to thermodynamics from an engineering and physics perspective. It corresponds to the first four chapters of Fermi’s text.

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Atomic Physics (8th Edition)

495 pages | 1989 | PDF | 10,5 Mb

Atomic Physics is based upon a series of lectures on physics that Born gave in Germany in 1933. Since then it has been translated into English updated significantly as physics developed. This means that the book represents sound physics, and not the relatively undeveloped 1933 picture of the physics.

I should note that the title of the book is slightly misleading. The original German edition was called modern physics. However, the publisher of the English version already had a book called modern physics, so the English version was renamed Atomic Physics.

Born covers a wide range of topics dealing with the gasses, elementary particles, the structure of the nucleus, atoms, molecules. He has written the book in the context of describing the historical development of each topic. This is done in a flowing style by only including important equations in the text. Derivations and so fourth are placed in the 130 pages of appendices in the back of the book. This allows the text to tell a story without the burden of constant discontinuities due to equations. If you want to see the maths, just flip to the back of the book.

I would classify this book somewhere between popular science and a textbook. Like a popular science it tells a story, it flows and readable. People with some knowledge of physics can read this book and learn a lot form it. Even without the appendices. On the other hand, like a text it doesn’t give hand wavy, simplified descriptions of the physics. This is good hard physics.

While I wouldn’t call this book a text, it is far too general for that, it does give an excellent overview of the development and character of modern physics from one of the people who was there in the thick of it. I highly recommend it to any person that is acquainted with physics. Non-scientists would probably benefit more from reading something like Brian Greene’s The Elegant Universe.

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Numerical Methods in Engineering with MATLAB

434 pages | August 1, 2005 | PDF | 8 Mb

Numerical Methods in Engineering with MATLAB® is a text for engineering students and a reference for practicing engineers, especially those who wish to explore the power and efficiency of MATLAB®. Examples and applications were chosen for their relevance to real world problems, and where numerical solutions are most efficient. Numerical methods are discussed thoroughly and illustrated with problems involving both hand computation and programming. MATLAB® mfiles accompany each method and are available on the book web site. This code is made simple and easy to understand by avoiding complex bookkeeping schemes, while maintaining the essential features of the method. MATLAB® was chosen as the example language because of its ubiquitous use in engineering studies and practice. Moreover, it is widely available to students on school networks and through inexpensive educational versions. Explore numerical methods with MATLAB®, a great tool for teaching scientific computation.

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Statistical Thermodynamics

195 pages | 1989 | PDF | 7,5 Mb

Nobel Laureate’s brilliant attempt to develop a simple, unified standard method of dealing with all cases of statistical thermodynamics (classical, quantum, Bose-Einstein, Fermi-Dirac, etc.). Discussions of Nernst theorem, Planck’s oscillator, fluctuations, the n-particle problem, problem of radiation, much more.

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Quantum Theory Of Atomic Process

444 pages | 2007 | PDF | 10,5 Mb

TO MY FRIEND WALTER DALLENBACH FROM THE AUTHORS PREFACE TO THE FIRST GERMAN EDITION THE importance of the standpoint afforded by the theory of groups for the discovery of the general laws of quantum theory has of late become more and more apparent. Since I have for some years been deeply concerned with the theory of the representation of continuous groups, it has seemed to me appropriate and important to give an account of the knowledge won by mathematicians working in this field in a form suitable to the requirements of quantum physics.

An additional impetus is to be found in the fact that, from the purely mathematical standpoint, it is no longer justifiable to draw such sharp distinctions between finite and continuous groups in discussing the theory of their representations as has been done in the existing texts on the subject. My desire to show how the concepts arising in the theory of groups find their application in physics by discussing certain of the more important examples has necessitated the inclusion of a short account of the foundations of quantum physics, for at the time the manuscript was written there existed no treatment of the subject to which I could refer the reader. In brief this book, if it fulfills its purpose, should enable the reader to learn the essentials of the theory of groups and of quantum mechanics as well as the rela tionships existing between these two subjects the mathematical portions have been written with the physicist in mind, and vice versa. I have particularly emphasized the reciprocity M be tween the representations of the symmetric permutation group and those of the complete linear group this reciprocity has as yet been unduly neglected in the physical literature, in spite of the fact that it follows most naturally from the conceptual structure of quantum mechanics. vii viii THE THEORY OF GROUPS There exists, in my opinion, a plainly discernible parallelism between the more recent developments of mathematics and physics. Occidental mathematics has in past centuries broken away from the Greek view and followed a course which seems to have originated in India and which has been transmitted, with additions, to us by the Arabs in it the concept of number appears as logically prior to the concepts of geometry.

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Science – August 8, 2008

Science – August 8, 2008

120 pages | PDF | 12.4 Mb

Science is the academic journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and is considered one of the world’s most prestigious scientific journals. The peer-reviewed journal, first published in 1880 is circulated weekly and has a print subscriber base of around 130,000. Because institutional subscriptions and online access serve a larger audience, its estimated readership is one million people.


Linear Programming with MATLAB

Society for Industrial Mathematics; 1 edition (January 31, 2008)
PDF |280 pages | English | 2.3mb(rar)

Linear Programming with MATLAB (MPS-SIAM Series on Optimization)/by Michael C. Ferris (Author), Olvi L. Mangasarian (Author), Stephen J. Wright (Author)

This textbook provides a self-contained introduction to linear programming using MATLAB® software to elucidate the development of algorithms and theory. Early chapters cover linear algebra basics, the simplex method, duality, the solving of large linear problems, sensitivity analysis, and parametric linear programming. In later chapters, the authors discuss quadratic programming, linear complementarity, interior-point methods, and selected applications of linear programming to approximation and classification problems.
Exercises are interwoven with the theory presented in each chapter, and two appendices provide additional information on linear algebra, convexity, nonlinear functions, and on available MATLAB commands, respectively. Readers can access MATLAB codes and associated mex files at a Web site maintained by the authors. Only a basic knowledge of linear algebra and calculus is required to understand this textbook, which is geared toward junior and senior-level undergraduate students, first-year graduate students, and researchers unfamiliar with linear programming.

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