Kimya Mühendisliği

The Energy Trail – Where It Is Leading: Do You Know Enough to Care?

184 pages | May 10, 2008 |ISBN:981281857X | PDF | 7 Mb

Product Description:

This book describes the effect that hydrocarbon energy (oil, gas and coal) has had on human evolution, how we got to the stage we are at today, what we are doing about it and where it will lead us in the not-too-distant future.

[Devamini Okuyun…]

Diamond Electrochemistry

Publisher: Elsevier Science | August 5, 2005 | Language: English | ISBN-10: 0444519084 | 25 PDF | 20 MB [Devamini Okuyun…]

Portable Cain 0.12

Portable Cain 0.12(Size: 28,0 MB)

“Cain performs stochastic and deterministic simulations of chemical reactions.”
BS Editor: Cain performs stochastic and deterministic simulations of chemical reactions. Cain offers optimized versions of the Gillespie’s direct method, Gibson and Bruck’s next reaction method, tau-leaping, ODE integration, and direct/tau-leaping hybrid methods.
[Devamini Okuyun…]

Handbook of Ceramics Glasses, and Diamonds

848 pages | May 2, 2001 |ISBN:007026712X | PDF | 5,3 Mb [Devamini Okuyun…]

Çeşitli Maddelerin Kimyasal İsimleri

acetone dimethyl ketone; 2-propanone (usually known as acetone)
acid potassium sulfate potassium bisulfate
acid of sugar oxalic acid
ackey nitric acid
alcali volatil ammonium hydroxide
alcohol, grain ethyl alcohol
alcohol sulfuris carbon disulfide
alcohol, wood methyl alcohol
alum aluminum potassium sulfate
alumina aluminum oxide
antichlor sodium thiosulfate
antimony black antimony trisulfide
antimony bloom antimony trioxide
antimony glance antimony trisulfide
antimony red (vermillion) antimony oxysulfide
aqua ammonia aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide
aqua fortis nitric acid
aqua regia nitrohydrochloric acid
aromatic spirit of ammonia ammonia in alcohol
arsenic glass arsenic trioxide
azurite mineral form of basic copper carbonate
asbestos magnesium silicate
aspirin acetylsalicylic acid
baking soda sodium bicarbonate
banana oil (artificial) isoamyl acetate
barium white barium sulfate
benzol benzene
bicarbonate of soda sodium hydrogen carbonate or sodium bicarbonate
bichloride of mercury mercuric chloride
bichrome potassium dichromate
bitter salt magnesium sulfate
black ash crude form of sodium carbonate
black copper oxide cupric oxide
black lead graphite (carbon)
blanc-fixe barium sulfate
bleaching powder chlorinated lime; calcium hypochlorite
blue copperas copper sulfate (crystals)
blue lead lead sulfate
blue salts nickel sulfate
blue stone copper sulfate (crystals)
blue vitriol copper sulfate
bluestone copper sulfate
bone ash crude calcium phosphate
bone black crude animal charcoal
boracic acid boric acid
borax sodium borate; sodium tetraborate
bremen blue basic copper carbonate
brimstone sulfur
burnt alum anhydrous potassium aluminum sulfate
burnt lime calcium oxide
burnt ochre ferric oxide
burnt ore ferric oxide
brine aqueous sodium chloride solution
butter of antimony antimony trichloride
butter of tin anhydrous stannic chloride
butter of zinc zinc chloride
calomel mercury chloride; mercurous chloride
carbolic acid phenol
carbonic acid gas carbon dioxide
caustic lime calcium hydroxide
caustic potash potassium hydroxide
caustic soda sodium hydroxide
chalk calcium carbonate
Chile saltpeter sodium nitrate
Chile nitre sodium nitrate
Chinese red basic lead chromate
Chinese white zinc oxide
chloride of soda sodium hypochlorite
chloride of lime calcium hypochlorite
chrome alum chromic potassium sulfate
chrome green chromium oxide
chrome yellow lead (VI) chromate
chromic acid chromium trioxide
copperas ferrous sulfate
corrosive sublimate mercury (II) chloride
corundum (ruby, sapphire) chiefly aluminum oxide
cream of tartar potassium bitartrate
crocus powder ferric oxide
crystal carbonate sodium carbonate
dechlor sodium thiophosphate
diamond carbon crystal
emery powder impure aluminum oxide
epsom salts magnesium sulfate
ethanol ethyl alcohol
farina starch
ferro prussiate potassium ferricyanide
ferrum iron
flores martis anhydride iron (III) chloride
fluorspar natural calcium fluoride
fixed white barium sulfate
flowers of sulfur sulfur
‘flowers of’ a metal oxide of the metal
formalin aqueous formaldehyde solution
French chalk natural magnesium silicate
French vergidris basic copper acetate
galena natural lead sulfide
Glauber’s salt sodium sulfate
green verditer basic copper carbonate
green vitriol ferrous sulfate crystals
gypsum natural calcium sulfate
hard oil boiled linseed oil
heavy spar barium sulfate
hydrocyanic acid hydrogen cynanide
hypo (photography) sodium thiosulfate solution
Indian red ferric oxide
Isinglass agar-agar gelatin
jeweler’s rouge ferric oxide
killed spirits zinc chloride
lampblack crude form of carbon; charcoal
laughing gas nitrous oxide
lead peroxide lead dioxide
lead protoxide lead oxide
lime calcium oxide
lime, slaked calcium hydroxide
limewater aqueous solution of calcium hydroxide
liquor ammonia ammonium hydroxide solution
litharge lead monoxide
lunar caustic silver nitrate
liver of sulfur sufurated potash
lye or soda lye sodium hydroxide
magnesia magnesium oxide
manganese black manganese dioxide
marble mainly calcium carbonate
mercury oxide, black mercurous oxide
methanol methyl alcohol
methylated spirits methyl alcohol
milk of lime calcium hydroxide
milk of magnesium magnesium hydroxide
milk of sulfur precipitated sulfur
“muriate” of a metal chloride of the metal
muriatic acid hydrochloric acid
natron sodium carbonate
nitre potassium nitrate
nordhausen acid fuming sulfuric acid
oil of mars deliquescent anhydrous iron (III) chloride
oil of vitriol sulfuric acid
oil of wintergreen (artificial) methyl salicylate
orthophosphoric acid phosphoric acid
Paris blue ferric ferrocyanide
Paris green copper acetoarsenite
Paris white powdered calcium carbonate
pear oil (artificial) isoamyl acetate
pearl ash potassium carbonate
permanent white barium sulfate
plaster of Paris calcium sulfate
plumbago graphite
potash potassium carbonate
potassa potassium hydroxide
precipitated chalk calcium carbonate
Prussic acid hydrogen cyanide
pyro tetrasodium pyrophosphate
quicklime calcium oxide
quicksilver mercury
red lead lead tetraoxide
red liquor aluminum acetate solution
red prussiate of potash potassium ferrocyanide
red prussiate of soda sodium ferrocyanide
Rochelle salt potassium sodium tartrate
rock salt sodium chloride
rouge, jeweler’s ferric oxide
rubbing alcohol isopropyl alcohol
sal ammoniac ammonium chloride
sal soda sodium carbonate
salt, table sodium chloride
salt of lemon potassium binoxalate
salt of tartar potassium carbonate
saltpeter potassium nitrate
silica silicon dioxide
slaked lime calcium hydroxide
soda ash sodium carbonate
soda nitre sodium nitrate
soda lye sodium hydroxide
soluble glass sodium silicate
sour water dilute sulfuric acid
spirit of hartshorn ammonium hydroxide solution
spirit of salt hydrochloric acid
spirit of wine ethyl alcohol
spirits of nitrous ether ethyl nitrate
sugar, table sucrose
sugar of lead lead acetate
sulfuric ether ethyl ether
talc or talcum magnesium silicate
tin crystals stannous chloride
trona natural sodium carbonate
unslaked lime calcium oxide
Venetian red ferric oxide
verdigris basic copper acetate
Vienna lime calcium carbonate
vinegar impure dilute acetic acid
vitamin C ascorbic acid
vitriol sulfuric acid
washing soda sodium carbonate
water glass sodium silicate
white caustic sodium hydroxide
white lead basic lead carbonate
white vitriol zinc sulfate crystals
yellow prussiate of potash potassium ferrocyanide
yellow prussiate of soda sodium ferrocyanide
zinc vitriol zinc sulfate
zinc white zinc oxide



A KATMANI [ A-Horizon ] Organik madde bakımından zengin yüzey toprağı.

A-AĞIRLIKLI SES DÜZEYİ [ A-Weighted sound level ] İnsan kulağının daha kolaylıkla işitebileceği orta frekanslara daha fazla ağırlık veren, ses basınç düzeylerinin ölçülmesi yöntemi. A-Ölçekli ses düzeyleri dB(A) olarak yazılır.

ABS 1. Alkil benzen sulfonat: deterjanlara eklenen, biyo- bozulmaya dirençli, kararlı bir yüzey aktif madde. 2. Akrilonitril-butadien-stiren (bir tür plastik madde).

ACI SU [ Brackish ] Hafif tuzlu su.

AÇIĞA ÇÖP DÖKME [ Open dumping ] Atıkların rahatsız edici kokulara, su, toprak ve hava kirliliğine yol açacak biçimde alanlara dökülmesi.

AÇIK ALAN [ Open space ] Ya imar görmemiş ya da konutlardan ve diğer yapılardan nispeten arınmış toprak parçası; insanın faaliyet gösterdiği çevrenin karşıtı olan arazi de bu kavrama dahildir.

AÇIK BOŞALTIM [ Outfall ] İşlem görmüş ya da görmemiş atık suyu ya da diğer sıvı atıkları doğrudan doğruya alıcı ortama ileten taşıyıcı ya da boru hattı.

AÇIK MADEN OCAĞI İŞLETMECİLİĞİ [ Open-cast mining= Strip mining ] Kömürün ya da diğer madenlerin sığ derinliklerden toprağın ve kayanın üst katmanı kaldırılarak çıkarılması. Yüzey madenciliği olarak da adlandırılır.

AÇIK YAKMA [ Open burning ] Atık miktarını (hacmini) azaltmak amacıyla çöplük alanlarında yakılması işlemi.

ADİYABİTİK SAPMA ORANI [ Adiabatic lapse rate ] Yüksekliğin artması ile bağlantılı olarak ısıdaki düşme (sapma) oranı.

ADSORPSİYON [ Adsorption ] Moleküllerin katı yüzeylere tutunması.

AEROBİK [ Aerobic ] Serbest oksijenin varlığında yaşayan ya da aktif olabilen organizma; suda çözünmüş oksijenin oksitleyici olarak hareket ettiği durum.

AEROBİK AYRIŞMA [ Aerobic decomposition ] Havalı koşullarda faaliyet gösteren mikroorganizmalar veya mantarların organik maddeleri ayrıştırmaları.

AEROSOL [ Aerosol ] Havada asılı parçacık biçiminde madde: sıvı maddeleri püskürten basınçlı kap.

[Devamini Okuyun…]

Applied Technology and Instrumentation for Process Control

406 pages | CRC; 1 edition (January 28, 2004) | 1591690218 | PDF |
6.8 Mb

Each chapter concludes with an excellent summary…This book could be very useful for process control and other engineers who have little background in the design or operation of the processes discussed…Highly recommended.
-K.I. Mumme, emeritus, University of Maine.
–Choice, September 2004
[Devamini Okuyun…]

Engineering Dynamics

Engineering Dynamics (3rd edition), by Jerry Ginsberg
Cambridge University Press | English | December 24, 2007 | ISBN: 0521883032 | 742 Pages, Illustrated | PDF | 6,72 Mb

Description : Engineering Dynamics is a new treatment of kinematics and classical and analytical dynamics based on Ginsberg’s popular Advanced Engineering Dynamics Third Edition. Like its predecessor, this book conveys physical and analytical understanding of the basic principles of dynamics, but it is more comprehensive and better addresses real-world complexities. Every section has been rewritten, and many topics have been added or enhanced. Several derivations are new, and others have been reworked to make them more accessible, general, and elegant. Many new examples are provided, and those that were retained have been reworked. They all use a careful pedagogical structure that mirrors the text presentation. Instructors will appreciate the significant enhancement of the number and variety of homework exercises. All of the text illustrations have been redrawn to enhance their clarity.
[Devamini Okuyun…]

Engineering Analysis Interactive Methods and Programs with MATLAB

ASIN: B001AQKBHK | 384 pages | CRC (August 28, 1998) | PDF | 10 Mb
This book provides a concise introduction to numerical concepts in engineering analysis, using FORTRAN, QuickBASIC, MATLAB, and Mathematica to illustrate the examples. Discussions include:omatrix algebra and analysisosolution of matrix equationsomethods of curve fitomethods for finding the roots of polynomials and transcendental equationsofinite differences and methods for interpolation and numerical differentiationonumerical computation of single and double integralsonumerical solution of ordinary differential equationsEngineering Analysis:oteaches readers to become proficient in FORTRAN or QuickBASIC programming to solve engineering problemsoprovides an introduction to MATLAB and Mathematica, enabling readers to write supplementary m-files for MATLAB and toolkits for Mathematica using C-like commandsThe book emphasizes interactive operation in developing computer programs throughout, enabling the values of the parameters involved in the problem to be entered by the user of the program via a keyboard.In introducing each numerical method, Engineering Analysis gives minimum mathematical derivations but provides a thorough explanation of computational procedures to solve a specific problem. It serves as an exceptional text for self-study as well as resource for general reference.

[Devamini Okuyun…]

Process Control: A First Course with MATLAB

ISBN: 978-0521002554 | 328 pages | Cambridge University (August 26, 2002) | PDF | 7 Mb
Process Control covers the most essential aspects of process control suitable for a one-semester introductory course. While classical techniques are discussed, Chau also covers state space modeling and control, a modern control topic lacking in most introductory texts. MATLAB, a popular engineering software package, is employed as a powerful yet approachable computational tool. Each chapter concludes with problem sets, to which hints or solutions are provided. The support website provides excellent support in the way of MATLAB outputs of text examples and MATLAB sessions, references, and supplementary notes.
[Devamini Okuyun…]