Ultimate Engineering Ebook Collection 2

Collection 6
30-CE 522 prestressed concrete_263 pages_np.pdf
30-Cities in a Globalizing World – Governance, Performance, And Sustainability (WBI Learning Reso.pdf
30-Curtain Walls – Recent Developments by Cesar Pelli & Associates-Michael J. Crosbie-3764370831-.pdf
30-Eurocode 7, Geotechnical design,Part 2 Design assisted by laboratory testing-CEC-The Commissio.pdf
30-Gems, 6th Edition-Michael O’Donoghue-0750658568-Elsevier-2006-936 Pages-$404.pdf
30-Geodetic and Control Surveying.pdf
31-Durability of Concrete Structures – Investigation, repair, protection-G. C. Mays-0419156208-Ta.pdf
31-Eurocode 7, Geotechnical design,Part 3 Design assisted by fieldtesting-CEC-The Commission of t.pdf
31-Iyengar – Structural Stability of Columns & Plates-N.G.R. Iyengar-0745805396-Ellis Horwood-198.djv
32-Geospatial Data and Systems .pdf
32-Introduction to Survey Quality-Paul P. Biemer Lars E. Lyberg-0471193755-Wiley-2003-424 Pages-$.pdf
32-Multi Family Housing – The Art of Sharing-Michael Crosbie-187690769X-Images Publishing Dist-20.pdf
33-BRITISH STANDARD, Eurocode-Basis of structural design,BS EN,1990-2002-050922215130-90 pages-$3.pdf
33-Fire Safe design – A New Approach to Multi-Storey Steel-Framed Buildings-G M Newman BSc, MIStr.pdf
33-Freshwater Microbiology (Biodiversity and Dynamic Interactions of Microorganisms in the Aquati.pdf
33-Geological And Geotechnical Engineering in the New Millennium-National Research Council-030910.pdf
33-Groundwater Hydrology.pdf
33-Guide to Collision_Avoidance_Rules_6E.pdf
33-Innovations in Ground Water and Soil Cleanup-NATIONAL ACADEMY_0309063582-NATIONAL ACADEMY PRES.pdf
33-Liquid Assets – Demographics Water Management & Freshwater Resources-Jill Boberg-0833032968-RA.pdf
33-Modern Architectural Theory (A Historical Survey, 1673-1968)-Harry Mallgrave-0521793068-Cambri.pdf
33-New Theory of the Earth-Don L. Anderson-0521849594-Cambridge University-2007-408p-$69.pdf
33-Perspectives in Modern Seismology (Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences)-Friedemann Wenzel-35402371.pdf
34-Bifurcations, Instabilities, Degradation in Geomechanics-George E. Exadaktylos Ioannis G. Vard.pdf
34-Breaking Ground, Adventures in Life and Architecture-Daniel Libeskind-0719566738-John Murray-2.pdf
34-Geotechnical and foundation Engineering,Module 1,Subsurface investigation-US Federal Highway A.pdf
34-Guidance For Low-Level Radioactive Waste (LLRW) and Mixed Waste (MW) Treatment and Handling.pdf
34-International Building Code 2006-International Code Council-1580012507-Thomson Delmar Learning.pdf
34-Landscape Simulation Modeling – A Spatially Explicit, Dynamic Approach-Robert Costanza Alexey .pdf
34-Mine Wastes – Characterization, Treatment and Environmental Impacts-Bernd G. Lottermoser-35404.pdf
35-Building – A Field Guide to the Building Codes (Code Check Series)-Michael Casey Douglas E. Ha.pdf
35-Building Maintenance Guidebook 2002-Hong Kong Buildings Department-Government of the Hong Kong.pdf
35-Classic American Furniture (Art of Woodworking)-Time Life Books-0809495422-Time Life Books-199.djv
35-Geotechnical Engineering Circular No.3 Design Guidance,Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering for.pdf
35-Indoor Air Quality, Second Edition-Ed Bas-0824740092-Marcel Dekker-2004-300 Pages-$133.pdf
35-Interior Design Handbook of Professional Practice-Cindy Coleman Interior Design Magazine-00713.pdf
35-Review of the Desalination and Water Purification Technology Roadmap 2004-0309092809-Natl Acad.pdf
35-Rock Mechanics (For Underground Mining) 3rd Edition-B.H.G. Brady E.T. Brown-1402020643-Springe.pdf
36-Building Design and Construction Handbook, 6th Edition-Frederick S. Merritt Jonathan T. Ricket.pdf
36-Bungalow Style – Creating Classic Interiors in Your Arts and Crafts Home-Treena Crochet-156158.djv
36-Facing Hazards and Disasters – Understanding Human Dimensions-0309101786-National Academy Pres.pdf
36-GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CIRCULAR NO. 7 Soil Nail Walls-Federal Highway Administration-U.S. De.pdf
36-GIS Methodologies for Developing Conservation Strategies-Basil G. Savitsky Thomas E. Lacher Jr.pdf
36-Hydraulic Design of Lock Culvert Valves.pdf
36-Math for Civil Service Workers-LearningExpress-1576854280-LearningExpress-2003-224 Pages-$19.pdf
36-Mosques in the United States of America and Canada-Dr. Omar Khalidi and David Donnellon–Massa.pdf
36-Sky High Living – Contemporary High-rise Apartment (Tall Buildings)-Georges Binder-1864700947-.pdf
36-The Little Book of Earthquakes and Volcanoes-Rolf Schick-038795287X-Springer-2002-192 Pages-$2.pdf
37-Canal Systems Automation Manual, Volume 1, 1991-128 page-$66.pdf
Collection 7
37-From Disaster Response to Risk Management – Australia’s National Drought Policy-Linda Courtena.pdf
37-Fuzzy Modeling with Spatial Information for Geographic Problems-Frederick E. Petry Vincent B. .pdf
37-Geographic Information Metadata for Spatial Data Infrastructures – Resources, Interoperability.pdf
37-Geotechnical Manual-Texas Dep of Transportation-2000-231 pages-$100.pdf
37-Groundwater Geochemistry (A Practical Guide to Modeling of Natural and Contaminated Aquatic Sy.pdf
37-Hydraulic Design of Navigation Dams.pdf
37-IAEA, Isotopes in the Water Cycle – Past, Present and Future of a Developing Science-Pradeep K.pdf
37-NFPA 70,National Electrical Code, NEC 2002 Edition (An International Electrical Code Series)-N.pdf
37-Repair, Protection and Waterproofing of Concrete Structures-P. Perkins-0419202803-Taylor Franc.pdf
37-Residential Structural Design Guide,2000 Edition-U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Developm.pdf
38-Canal Systems Automation Manual, Volume 2, 1995-240 page-$66.pdf
38-Digital Photogrammetry – A Practical Course (2nd Ed.)-Wilfried Linder-3540291520-Springer-2006.pdf
38-Geotechnical Modelling (Applied Geotechnics)-David Muir Wood-0415343046-Taylor Francis-2004-48.pdf
38-Health Effects of Transport Related Air Pollution-Micha Krzyzanowski Birgit Kuna-dibbert Jurge.pdf
38-Hydraulic Design of Reservoir Outlet Works.pdf
38-Japanese Gardens-Guenther Nitschke Gunter Nitschke-3822820350-Taschen America, LLC-2003-240p-.pdf
38-Latent Variable Models – An Introduction to Factor, Path, and Structural Equation Analysis, 4t.pdf
38-Microtectonics 2nd Edition-Cees W. Passchier Rudolph A.J. Trouw-3540640037-Springer-2005-366 P.pdf
38-Pavement Management for Airports, Roads, and Parking Lots, 2nd Edition-Mohamed Y. Shahin-03872.pdf
38-Principles and Methods in Landscape Ecology (scan)-Almo Farina-0412730405-Springer-1998-256 Pa.pdf
38-TRANSMATERIAL – A catalog of materials, products and processes redefining our physical environ.pdf
39-Clean Coal Technologies in Japan Technological Innovation in the Coal Industry-NEDO-New Energy.pdf
39-CODE OF PRACTICE FOR DEMOLITION OF BUILDINGS 2004-Hong Kong Buildings Department-Government of.pdf
39-Elastodynamics with Hysteretic Damping-C. J. Cornejo J. Cordova-9040723036-I O S Press-2002-16.pdf
39-Geotechnical pratice engineering in Canada and Europe-US Federal Highway Admin-1999-92 pages-$.pdf
39-Handbook of Surface and Interface Analysis-John C. Riviere Sverre Myhra-0824700805-CRC-1998-10.djv
39-Hydraulic Design of Small Boat Harbors.pdf
39-Minimum Design Loads for Buildings And Other Structures, SEI-ASCE 7-05 (ASCE Standard No. 7-05.pdf
39-Soil Formation – 2nd Edition-Nico van Breemen Peter Buurman-1402007183-Springer-2002-416 Pages.pdf
40-Code of Practice for Precast Concrete Construction 2003-Hong Kong Buildings Department-Governm.pdf
40-Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering-Ikuo Towhata-3540357823-Springer-2007-300 Pages-$202.pdf
40-Hydraulic Design of Spillways.pdf
40-Innovation in Construction – A European Analysis-Marcela Miozzo Paul Dewick-1843765217-Edward .pdf
40-New Working Spaces (Architectural Design)-Links International-8489861188-Gingko Press-2003-240.pdf
40-The Architecture of Rasem Badran – Narratives on People and Place-James Steele Rasem Badran-05.pdf
40-The Finite Element Method for Solid and Structural Mechanics, Sixth Edition-O. C. Zienkiewicz .pdf
41-Code of Practice for the Structural use of Steel 2005-Professor S.L. Chan, Ir K.K. Kwan-Buildi.pdf
41-Earthquake Protection,2nd Edition-Andrew Coburn Robin Spence-0471496146-John Wiley-2002-436 Pa.pdf
41-Hydroelectirc Power Plants Mechanical Design.pdf
41-Introduction to Planetary Science – The Geological Perspective-Gunter Faure Teresa M. Mensing.pdf
41-Model-based Geostatistics (Springer Series in Statistics)-Peter J. Diggle Paulo Justiniano Rib.pdf
42-Civil Engineer’s Reference Book, Fourth Edition-L S Blake-0750619643-Laxtons-2001-1246 Pages-$.pdf
42-Commentary on Bs 5400-3 2000 Code of Practice for the Design of Steel Bridges-SCI-1859421121-S.pdf
42-From Flood Control to Integrated Water Resource Management – Lessons for the Gulf Coast from F.pdf
42-Hydroelectric Power Plants Electrical Design .pdf
42-Hydroponics for the Home Gardener (An easy-to-follow, step-by-step guide for growing healthy v.pdf
42-Learning from Clusters – A Critical Assessment from an Economic Geographical Perspective (Geoj.pdf
42-Mapping Vulnerability – Disasters, Development and People-George Frerks Dorothea Hilhorst Geor.pdf
42-Municipal Storm Water Management, Second Edition_Thomas N. Debo_1566705843_CRC – 2002- 976 Pag.pdf
Collection 8
42-NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code 2003 Edition-National Fire Protection Associat.pdf
42-Plans and Practices for Groundwater Protection at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, Interim .pdf
43-Guide to the Use of the Wind Load Provisions of ASCE 7 02-Kishor C. Mehta James Delahay-078440.pdf
43-Hydrologic Analysis of Interior Areas.pdf
43-NFPA 70E 2000 Standard for Electrical Safety Requirements for Employee Workplaces-NFPA-NFPA-20.pdf
43-NFPA Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code Handbook, 6th Edition-NFPA Robert P. Benedetti-087.pdf
43-Structural Analysis with Finite Elements (2nd Edition)-Friedel Hartmann Casimir Katz-354049698.pdf
43-Structural Steelwork Connections-Graham W. Owens Brian D. Cheal-0408012145-Butterworth Heinema.pdf
43-Underwater Concreting and Repair-Andrew McLeish-0470234032-Butterworth Heinemann-1994-158 Page.pdf
44-Future Forms and Design for Sustainable Cities-Mike Jenks Nicola Dempsey-075066309X-Elsevier,A.pdf
44-Hydrologic Engineering Requirements for Flood Damage Reduction Studies.pdf
44-NFPA National Electrical Code 2005 Handbook (National Fire Protection Association,National Ele.pdf
44-Self-Organizing Maps, 3rd Edition-Teuvo Kohonen-3540679219-Springer-2001-521 Pages-$129.djv
45-Advances in Engineering Structures, Mechanics & Construction (Solid Mechanics and Its Applicat.pdf
45-Hydrologic Engineering Requirements for Reservoirs.pdf
45-IMAGE ESTIMATION BY EXAMPLE – Geophysical soundings image construction Multidimensional autore.pdf
45-Modern Traditions – Contemporary Architecture in India-Klaus Peter Gast-3764377542-Birkhauser .pdf
45-SUSTAINABLE BUILDING DESIGN-Tokyo University-0471486604 -Tokyo University Press-2005-100p-$40.pdf
45-Theory of elasticity of an anisotropic body-S. G Lekhnitskii-B0006E631K-Mir Publishers-1981-43.djv
45-Wastewater Reuse in Agriculture in Vietnam -Water Management,Environment and Human Health Aspe.pdf
46-Hurricane Warning, Critical Need For A National Hurricane Research Initiative-National Science.pdf
46-Hydrologic Frequency Analysis.pdf
46-Lightweight Enterprise Architectures-Fenix Theuerkorn-084932114X-AUERBACH-2005-345 Pages-$111.pdf
46-Mitigation of Natural Hazards and Disasters – International Perspectives-C. Emdad Haque-140203.pdf
46-Nonlinear Structural Engineering – With Unique Theories and Methods to Solve Effectively Compl.pdf
46-Testing of Concrete in Structures-J.H. Bungey J. H. Bungey S. G. Millard-0751402419-Routledge-.pdf
47-Dynamics of Offshore Structures,2 Edition-James F. Wilson-0471264679-Wiley-2003-344 Pages-$310.pdf
47-Instrumentation for Concrete Structures.pdf
47-Introduction to Prestressed Concrete-Arthur Horace Allen-0721010903-Scholium Intl-1978-66p-$17.pdf
47-Liquid Filtration 2nd Edition-Nicholas P Cheremisinoff-0750670479-Butterworth-Heinemann-1998-5.pdf
47-Masonry Instant Answers-Rochelle C. Jaffe-0071395156-McGraw Hill-2003-320 Pages-$80.pdf
47-Reinforced Concrete – Design theory and examples (2nd Edition)-B.S. Choo-0419138307-Taylor & F.pdf
48-Bridge Engineering – Seismic Design-W.F. Chen Lian Duan-0849316839-CRC-2003-455 Pages-$200.pdf
48-Modeling of Creep for Structural Analysis (Foundations of Engineering Mechanics)-Konstantin Na.pdf
48-Rock Fractures and Fluid Flow – Contemporary Understanding and Applications-NAP-0309563488-Nat.pdf
48-The Handbook of Highway Engineering-T.F. Fwa-0849319862-CRC-2006-888 Pages-$300.pdf
49-Physically Based Visualization Of Residential Building Damage Process In Hurricane-Dezhi Liao-.pdf
49-Regulatory Frameworks for Dam Safety A Comparative Study (Law, Justice, and Development)-Danie.pdf
49-Soil Ecology-P. Lavelle A. Spain-0792371232-Springer-2003-684 Pages-$565.pdf
49-Soil Mechanics (Wiley Series in Geotechnical Engineering)(scan)-T. William Lambe Robert V. Whi.pdf
49-Structural Elements Design Manual-TREVOR DRAYCOTT-0750603135-Elsevier,Laxtons-1990-244 Pages-$.pdf
49-Wastewater Microbiology (G. Bitton)(3rd ed.)(Wiley 2005)(ISBN 0471650714).pdf
50-Linux Smart Homes For Dummies-Neil Cherry-0764598236-For Dummies-2006-364 Pages-$24.pdf
50-Liquid Process Piping.pdf
50-Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country, Your Handbook for the San Francisco Bay Region-USGS-.pdf
50-Soil Liquid Phase Composition-V.V.Snakin A.A.Prisyazhnaya E. Kovacs Lang-0444506756-Elsevier-2.pdf
Collection 9
50-The Architect, the Cook and Good Taste-Petra Hagen Hodgson Rolf Toyka-376437621X-Springer-2007.pdf
51-International Residential Code 2006- Softcover Version (International Residential Code)-Intern.pdf
51-Lubricants and Hydraulic Fluids.pdf
51-Manual for the Design of Reinforced Concrete Building Structures-ICE-Intitution Of Structural .pdf
51-Map-based Mobile Services – Theories, Methods and Implementations-Liqiu Meng Alexander Zipf Tu.pdf
51-Numerical Modelling in Geomechanics-Manuel Pastor Claudio Tamagnini-1903996422-ISTE Publishing.djv
51-Strategic Highway Research – Saving Lives, Reducing Congestion, Improving Quality of Life-(U.S.pdf
51-Structural Vibration, Analysis and Damping-C. Beards-0340645806-Butterworth Heinemann-1996-276.pdf
51-UXL Encyclopedia of Water Science, Volume 1 Science-K. Lee Lerner Brenda Wilmoth Lerner-078767.pdf
52-Los Angeles Houses (scan)-Cristina Montes-3823855948-Te Neues Publishing Company-2002-380 Page.pdf
52-Manual of Ready-Mixed Concrete-R Anderson-0751400793-Routledge-1998-256 Pages-$216.pdf
52-Problem Solving in Soil Mechanics-Ali Aysen-9058095312-Taylor & Francis-2003-192 Pages-$333.pdf
52-UXL Encyclopedia of Water Science, Volume 2 Economics and Uses-K. Lee Lerner Brenda Wilmoth Le.pdf
53-Experimental Unsaturated Soil Mechanics-Tom Schanz-3540698728-Springer-2007-494p-$412.pdf
53-Greening the Industrial Facility – Perspectives, Approaches, and Tools-Thomas E. Graedel Jenni.pdf
53-Monitoring and Assessment of Structures-G.s.t. Armer-0419237704-Spon Press-2003-144 Pages-$173.pdf
53-Monitoring Well Design, Installation, and Documentation at Hazardous Toxic, and Radioactive Wa.pdf
53-Promoting Community Resilience in Disasters – The Role for Schools, Youth, and Families-Kevin .pdf
53-Security and Safety in Los Angeles High Rise Building After 9-11-Rae Archibald-0833031848-RAND.pdf
53-UXL Encyclopedia of Water Science, Volume 3 Issues-K. Lee Lerner Brenda Wilmoth Lerner-0787676.pdf
54-Microbiology of Waterborne Diseases – Microbiological Aspects and Risks-Steven Percival Martha.pdf
54-Private Mansions-Wim Pauwels-9077213236-Beta Plus-2005-228p-$130.djvu
54-Water Purification using Heat Pumps-F A Holl-0419247106-Taylor & Francis-2005-200 Pages-$300.pdf
55-Wastewater Pathogens (Wastewater Microbiology)-Michael H. Gerardi Mel C. Zimmerman-047120692X-.pdf
55-Working Drawings Handbook, 4th Edition-Keith Styles Andrew Bichard-0750663723-Architectural Pr.pdf
56-Industrial Water Treatment – Refining, Petrochemicals and Gas Processing Techniques(scan)-Cord.pdf
56-Pavement Criteria for Seasonal Frost Conditions – Mobilization Construction.pdf
56-Scattering, Natural Surfaces, and Fractals-Giorgio Franceschetti Daniele Riccio-0122656555-Aca.pdf
57-NFPA 25, Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection .pdf
57-Planning and Design of Hydroelectric Power Plant Structures.pdf
57-Rare Earth Elements in Groundwater Flow Systems (Water Science and Technology Library)-Karen H.pdf
58-Encyclopedia of Wood (The Art of Woodworking)-Time Life Books-0809499169-Time Life Books-1999-.djv
58-Structural Details in Concrete-M. Y. H. Bangash-063202853X-Blackwell Science-1992-260 Pages-$8.pdf
59-Innovations in Design & Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning-Jos P. Van.pdf
59-NFPA 72 – National Fire Alarm Code, 2002-9992095881-NFPA-2002-$112.pdf
59-The Architect’s Guide to Running a Practice-David Littlefield-0750660996-Architectural Press-2.pdf
60-Sensing Issues in Civil Structural Health Monitoring-Farhad Ansari-1402036604-Springer-2005-52.pdf
60-Soil Mechanics – Basic Concepts and Engineering Applications-Ali Aysen-9058093581-Taylor & Fra.djv
60-UHPC,Ultra High Performance Concrete. International Symposium on UHPC, Sep 15 2004-M.Schmidt,E.pdf
60-Uniform Building Code 1997 Vol2 – Structural Engineering Design Provisions-International Code .pdf
61-Plasticity and Geotechnics-Hai-Sui Yu J. B. Burland-0387335978-Springer-2006-524p-$417.pdf
61-Precast Concrete – Materials, Manufacture, Properties and Usage-M. Levitt-0853349940-Chapman &.pdf
61-Railroads – Mobilization Construction.pdf
61-River Mechanics-Pierre Y. Julien-0521529700-Cambridge University-2003-456p-$117.pdf
62-Nonlinear Mechanics of Reinforced Concrete (scan)-K. Maekawa-0415271266-Taylor & Francis-2003-.pdf
62-Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams-F.k. Kong-0216926955-Routledge-2003-304 Pages-$400.pdf
62-Riverbank Filtration – Improving Source-Water Quality-C. Ray G. Melinr R.B. Linsky-1402011334-.pdf
63-Open Channel Hydraulics (scan)-Terry W. Sturm-0070624453-McGraw Hill-2001-500p-$255.pdf
63-Pile Design and Construction Practice-Micha Tomlinson-0419184503-TF,TAYLOR-2004-432 Pages-$412.pdf
63-Removal of Underground Storage Tanks.pdf
64-NFPA 170 (Standard For Fire Safety Symbols)2002 Edition-NFPA-IHS Inc.-2004-45p-$100.pdf
64-Reservoir Water Quality Analysis.pdf
Collection 10
64-Open-Channel Hydraulics (scan)-Richard H. H. French-0070221340-McGraw-Hill-1985-700p-$219.pdf
64-Wood as an Engineering Material.pdf
65-Ortho’s All About Additions (Ortho’s All about Planning and Building)-Ortho-0897215095-Ortho-2.djv
65-Response Spectra and Seismic Analysis for Concrete Hydraulic Structures.pdf
65-Upscaling Multiphase Flow in Porous Media – From Pore to Core and Beyond-D.B. Das S.M. Hassani.pdf
66-Earthquake Early Warning Systems-Paolo Gasparini Gaetano Manfredi Jochen Zschau-3540722408-Spr.pdf
66-Engineering and Design – SLOPE STABILITY-US Army Corps of Engineers-US Army-2003-205p-$44.pdf
66-Physical Geodesy-Bernhard Hofmann Wellenhof Helmut Moritz-3211235841-Springer-2005-403 Pages-$.pdf
66-Rigid Pavements for Roads, Streets, Walks and Open Storage Areas – Mobilization Construction.pdf
66-Theory of Bridge Aerodynamics-Einar Strxmmen-354030603X-Springer-2006-251 page-$310.pdf
66-UXL – Encyclopedia of Landforms and Other Geologic Features.pdf
67-Earthquake Source Asymmetry, Structural Media and Rotation Effects-Roman Teisseyre Eugeniusz M.pdf
67-International Fire Code 2006 -International Code Council-1580012558-Thomson Delmar Learning-20.pdf
67-Landscaping – Planning, Planting, Building (Better Homes and Gardens(R) – Step-by-Step Series).pdf
67-River Hydraulics.pdf
67-Water Privatisation (Trans-National Corporations and the Re-Regulation of the Water Industry)-.pdf
68-Economic Geology of Natural Gas Hydrate-Michael D. Max Arthur H. Johnson William P. Dillon-140.pdf
68-Making Concrete Garden Ornaments-Sherri Warner Warner Hunter-1579903185-Lark-2002-144p-$105.pdf
68-Roller-Compacted Concrete .pdf
69-Reinforced Concrete, Analysis and Design (scan)-S. S. Ray-0632037245-Blackwell Science-1994-57.pdf
69-Runoff from Snowmelt .pdf
69-Stability of Structures – Elastic, Inelastic, Fracture, and Damage Theories-Zdenek P. Bazant L.djv
70-Pvc Pipe-Design and Installation (AWWA MANUAL OF WATER SUPPLY PRACTICES-M23,2nd Ed.)-AWWA-1583.pdf
70-Safety – Radiation Protection Manual.pdf
70-The Essential Guide to Framing (Home Building & Remodeling Basics)-Editors of JLC the Journal .pdf
71-Explanatory Materials to Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2005-Hong Kong Build.pdf
71-Planetary geology – a teacher’s guide with activities in physical and earth sciences-NASA-B000.pdf
71-Small Wastewater Systems.pdf
71-Topological Methods in Hydrodynamics,2nd Edition (Applied Mathematical Sciences)-Vladimir I. A.pdf
72-Landscaping – Planning, Planting, Building (Step-by-Step Series)-Better Homes and Gardens-0696.pdf
72-Soil Engineering Testing, Design, and Remediation_Fu Hua Chen_0849322944_CRC – 1999_304 Pages_.pdf
72-The Complete Book Of Underground Houses (How To Build A Low Cost Home)-Rob Roy-0806907282-Ster.pdf
72-The Ozone Layer – A Philosophy of Science Perspective-Maureen Christie-0521650720-Cambridge Un.pdf
73-Design of Masonry Structures-A. W. Hendry-0419215603-Taylor & Francis-2004-272 Pages-$157.pdf
73-Reinforced Concrete Designer’s Handbook, 10th Ed.-C.E. Reynolds C.E. Reynolds J. Steedman-0419.pdf
73-Soil Stabilization for Pavements – Mobilization Construction.pdf
73-The Biogeochemistry of Submerged Soils-Guy Kirk-0470863013-Wiley-2004-304 Pages-$210.pdf
74-Tsunamis and Hurricanes – A Mathematical Approach-Ferdinand Cap-3211331581-Springer-2007-207 P.pdf
75-Physical Geology of High level Magmatic Systems (Geological Society Special Publication)-Breit.pdf
75-Principles of Sediment Transport in Rivers, Estuaries and Coastal Seas-Leo C van Rijn-90800356.pdf
75-Recommended Seismic Design Criteria for New Steel Moment-Frame Buildings(FEMA-350)-SEAOC-Calif.pdf
75-Standard Practice for Concrete Pavements – Mobilization Construction.pdf
75-The Earth Inside and Out – Some Major Contributions to Geology in the Twentieth Century (Geolo.djv
76-Storage Depots – Mobilization Construction.pdf
77-Structural Deformation Surveying.pdf
77-The Architecture of Modern Italy, Volume II-Terry Kirk-1568984367-Princeton Architectural Pres.pdf
77-The Effects of Advanced Materials on Airframe Operating and Support Costs-Raj Raman-0833032976.pdf
78-Stairs – Scale-Silvio San Pietro P. Gallo-8876851194-IPS-2002-240 Pages-$300.pdf
78-Structural Design and Evaluation of Outlet Works .pdf
78-The Architecture of Modern Italy, Volume I-Terry Kirk-1568984200-Princeton Architectural Press.pdf
79-Structural Design of Closure Structures for Local Flood Protection Projects .pdf
80-Drought and Water Crises – Science, Technology and Management Issues-Donald A. Wilhite-0824727.pdf
80-Structural Design of Concrete Lined Flood Control Channels.pdf
80-Using the Building Regulations – Administrative Procedures-Mike Billington-0750662573-Elsevier.pdf
81-The Science and Applications of Acoustics 2nd Edition-Daniel R. Raichel-0387260625-Springer-20.pdf
81-Using the Building Regulations, Part C – Site Preparation & resistance to contaminants & moist.pdf
82-Steel Designers’ Manual,6th Edition-Steel Construction Institute Staff-1405134127-Blackwell Pu.pdf
83-Reliability-based Structural Design-Seung Kyum Choi Ramana V. Grandhi Robert A. Canfield-18462.pdf
83-Spatial Analysis and GeoComputation-Manfred M. Fischer-3540357297-Springer-2006-336 Pages-$223.pdf
Password of some files: