Kimya Mühendisliği

Yazar Arşivi

Understanding Our Environment

Royal Society of Chemistry | 444 pages | English | 1999 | ISBN: 0854045848 | PDF | 21,2 MB This third edition enhances the standing of the title by developing a more international approach. Bridging all the important environmental media such as the atmosphere, fresh waters, oceans and solid earth, it also emphasizes the inter-linkages […]

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Chemistry of the Environment, Second Edition by Ronald A. Bailey

Publisher: Academic Press; 2 edition (April 4, 2002) | ISBN: 0120734613 | Pages: 835 | PDF | 14.72 MB “This is a timely work with political overtones, rigorously treated topics, lavish data, adequate illustrations (including colour plates), some gems of information, high drama and occasional dark humour. The reading lists are extensive and the exercises […]

Chemistry of the Environment, Second Edition by Ronald A. Bailey için yorumlar kapalı

Metals (Essential Chemistry)

Metals (Essential Chemistry) Chelsea House Publications | 2008 | ISBN: 0791095355 | 105 pages | PDF | 5,9 MB Most of the elements found in the periodic table are classified as metals. Common characteristics that help us identify metals include conductivity, reactivity, and their ability to be pounded into sheets and stretched into wires. Metals […]

Metals (Essential Chemistry) için yorumlar kapalı

Gas-Expanded Liquids and Near-Critical Media: Green Chemistry and Engineering

Gas-Expanded Liquids and Near-Critical Media: Green Chemistry and Engineering Publisher: Oxford University Press | Pages: 392 | 2009-01-29| ISBN 0841269718 | PDF | 27 MB Gas-expanded liquids and near-critical fluids are tunable solvent media for conducting chemical reactions, separations, and materials processing. In recent years, there has been an expanding body of fundamental and applied […]

Gas-Expanded Liquids and Near-Critical Media: Green Chemistry and Engineering için yorumlar kapalı

The Periodic Table (Essential Chemistry)

The Periodic Table (Essential Chemistry) Chelsea House Publications | 2008 | ISBN: 0791095339 | 114 pages | PDF | 5,8 MB The “Periodic Table” is a comprehensive guide to one of the most celebrated diagrams in the history of science. From its beginnings in the mysterious experiments of the medieval alchemists to its newest additions […]

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HydeSoft Computing DPlot

WinApp | HHydeSoft Computing DPlot | 6.9 Mb DPlot graphs and manipulates 2D and 3D data from a variety of sources in many different formats. While designed for scientists, engineers, and other technical fields, DPlot’s straightforward interface will appeal to anybody interested in creating presentation-quality X-Y plots and/or contour plots of 3D data. DPlot […]

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Biochemistry (Essential Chemistry)

Biochemistry (Essential Chemistry) Chelsea House Publications | 2008 | ISBN: 0791096939 | 112 pages | PDF | 10,4 MB Biochemistry is the study of the chemical compositions of living organisms and of the chemical reactions that occur within them. This field of chemistry also studies the structure and function of biomolecules, as well as the […]

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The Biotechnology of Ethanol: Classical and Future Applications by Max Roehr

Publisher: Wiley-VCH (August 8, 2001) | ISBN: 3527301992 | Pages: 245 | PDF | 16.5 MB Focusing on the biotechnology of ethanol, this book highlights its industrial relevance as one of the most important products of primary metabolism. The text covers the most advanced developments among classical methods as well as more unconventional techniques, before […]

The Biotechnology of Ethanol: Classical and Future Applications by Max Roehr için yorumlar kapalı

Nuclear Energy: Principles, Practices, and Prospects by David Bodansky

Publisher: Springer; 2nd edition (April 21, 2008) | ISBN: 0387207783 | Pages: 693 | PDF | 6 MB As energy resources, particularly fossil fuels, become strained, nuclear energy (despite its known shortcomings) must be considered as an alternative. This book presents an objective view of nuclear energy as an important source for future energy needs. […]

Nuclear Energy: Principles, Practices, and Prospects by David Bodansky için yorumlar kapalı

Numerical Models for Differential Problems

Numerical Models for Differential Problems Springer | 2009 | ISBN: 8847010705 | 602 pages | PDF | 7,6 MB In this text, we introduce the basic concepts for the numerical modelling of partial differential equations. We consider the classical elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic linear equations, but also the diffusion, transport, and Navier-Stokes equations, as well […]

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